New Release :: Nuevo Sencillo - Dónde irás? :: Where to go?Click here to listen to "Where to go? " Haz click aquí para escuchar "Dónde irás?" BipolArte Lanza su Nuevo Sencillo "¿Dónde irás?" Los...
La Tóxica - NUEVO SencilloEscucha "La Tóxica" en todas las plataformas digitales y compártela! Gracias! La Tóxica La tóxica se encuera en redes sociales, que...
"The End" NEW VIDEO (Se Me Escapa)The New music Video for "The End" is now available! Check it out, give it a thumbs up, subscribe to my channel and PLEASE share the...
"The End" - New Music VideoThe Music Video "The End" is available in our music channel in YouTube! Check it out right now, give a thumbs up, subscribe to our...
Music evolves: BipolArte presents BipoSEXualMusic evolves: BipolArte presents BipoSEXual The world-wide awaited release of “BipoSEXual” from Los Angeles based artist Bipolarte is...
DCs LEDs - New endorsement!BipolArte is very thankful for The Electric Guitar Strap / LED Guitar Strap! It's an amazing accessory which indeed enhance the BipolArte...
2018-2019-New album and tour!2018 was a great year with a lot of amazing surprises and learning experiences. After three years of non-stop touring through 72...
2 year anniversary - 200 showsBefore his 2nd anniversary BipolArte has already performed over 200 shows in 60 different cities between Mexico and USA. He feels...
BipolArte #19 most active Mexican musicianBipolArte is the #19 most active musician in Mexico recognizes BipolArte as the 19th most active Mexican musician out of...
New Music Video - Three StarsThe Music Video for our first single "Three Stars" is available in our music channel in YouTube! Check it out right now in this link!...